Some relatives and friends around me prefer to play Douyin, and some prefer to play Kuaishou. What is the difference between Douyin and Kuaishou as two well-known short video apps? What is the difference between the user groups including Douyin Kuaishou? What are their similarities and differences in content display?
2. Market development
The short video industry has developed country email list since 2011 and has now entered a mature stage. The head platform has obvious scale advantages, and has successively sought capitalization paths, and the industry competition pattern is relatively stable.
Data monitoring and analysis believe that with the continuation of the fragmented use trend of mobile Internet users and the deepening of multimedia content consumption habits, the scale of users in China's short video market will continue to expand in the future. Market value.
According to data from QuestMobile, the number of short video users in China has exceeded 800 million in 2020, and the amount of time users spend using short video applications on a daily basis is increasing.
According to the data of Mob Research Institute's "2020 China Short Video Industry Insight Report", although there are many platforms in the short video field, Douyin and Kuaishou have obvious advantages as head platforms. Two heroes fighting for hegemony, each has its own merits. The Douyin algorithm broke through and became a "dark horse" in the short video market.
Kuaishou sank to break through and became a "Pinduoduo" in the short video market. Internet giants are paying attention to the short video industry, and competition in the domestic short video market will continue to ferment in the future. The diversified development of the industry has also attracted more users to participate in the short video carnival.
In the short video, the first half of the war has ended, and the second half of the war has started. Short video companies will seek new growth by competing for traffic dividends in third-tier and below cities, deploying overseas markets, and cross-border integration of "short video +".